Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Forgot this place existed! HA

So, I kinda forgot about this webpage up until I was telling a buddy about Sons of Anarchy and how he had to give it five episodes before he quit watching. The fifth episode is the infamous Fire Or Knife episode... thus triggering my memory about a website named after that ONE episode. So here we are over 6 months since my last post. Happily married, happily running a decently successful video company, the happy owner of a slightly mental dog, and still teaching.

So whats been going on? Caty and I just hit six months of marriage on Christmas. First Christmas married. Its been a blast but at the same time it has been DRAINING. All over the place for 4 straight days made for some great sleep on Monday night. The Christmas with the Dearing's and Perkins/Holmes was the usual fun filled day of making fun of Justin. I love my family, blessed to have them! The Skinner and Davis Christmases were awesome as well. I feel very lucky to have found a wife with two families that show not only her but also me how much they care for us at the drop of a hat. Its been a great vacation from work.

I started working on my health a few months back by doing something I said I would never do. I joined Weight Watchers. I have no clue why I was so ashamed to admit it for the longest time but I guess I felt it was something for chicks. It works. I am almost down 20 pounds lost with 25 to 30 more to go. Can't say that I was 'successful' over the holiday but I did go into the break with something that David Hewitt, a friend from church told me. Christmas is only a day of eating, not a 2 week vacation. While I may have celebrated eating Christmas more that one day, I definitely didn't go nuts like I have in the past. Adding 7 to 10 pounds to my waistline was the NORM for me during the holidays in the past. Not so much this year. I am currently weighing 255, which is just 2.5 pounds more than I did when I got out of school. Still have the rest of the week to get back to where I was. The goal was to maintain over the break. Its achievable.

I must say, I have a buddy who has been kicking some major ass with weight loss. He had one of the weight loss surgeries and I have seen MANY of those fail in the past, not with this guy. He is probably showing of the strongest discipline I have seen ever now that the surgery is over. Who can SERIOUSLY sit at The Melting Pot and not touch a single thing. Props Blake.

So coming up... The Bulls return to defend our championship from last season. I hope to be a full 35 to 40 pounds lighter than I was during the championship series. Its quite possible. First game is the first week of March. Also, thinking of running the Cowtown 10k, I ran a 5k about 5 weeks into my diet and didn't realize how much easier running was with a simple 10 pound lose. The Cowtown is February 25th. So I have two months to get ready.

Well, thats about all I got. It may be 6 months before I post again... who knows...

Fire or Knife... Tonight I will take Knife!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

IT's been awhile...

My apologies. I have been getting ready for summer, wedding, a week on the beach a million miles away, and then of course trying to turn myself back into a gym rat and failing. Many of you know I spent last summer working on a project for the district without getting any sort of payment, I just did it for my students. Let me clarify, if asked I would probably still do something free like this again for my students... but not this summer.

This summer is about 2 things. Caty and my new business. Mainly Caty though. In 9 days I get married to my best friend. I could really rattle on about friendship and my current view on friendships for a few thousand words right now but I won't. I may give ya the cliff notes later in this post. But I am genuinely excited that I AM marrying my best friend. The person that without a word can look at me and know where I am at... know how I feel... and usually fix it or realize that its a me thing and let me fix it on my own. ANYWAYS... 9 days and a women invades my house, my life, and my money. I will tell you that does not scare me one bit. I am tired of hearing things like "you will begin to die a little each day after you get married" or "Well your life is over" or "Have fun at the funeral, I mean wedding"... I am sorry if your marriage blows ass, mine seems like it will be just fine. We actually like each other. I am looking forward to the ceremony and all our family and friends coming together to party in our honor, but I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to the next day when we post up on a plane for 9 hours and get the HELL outta town. I love everyone involved in this wedding, I am thankful for each of you, and I promise none of you are annoying me or frustrating me in any way, but I totally understand why an immediate honeymoon is so vital now. I am looking forward to seeing Caty just release all the stress and energy built up from work and the wedding when we get there. I predict she will sleep 15 hours the first day, and I won't even REMOTELY try to wake her up.

I am so happy that some of my old school friends from college are getting to make the trip up for the bachelor party and the wedding. I have had some major issues with the definition of friendship lately and I still haven't really cleared all that up. I admit sometimes I am a shitty friend (ex. I told a friend that we would be DOWN for the Mavs Parade, while totally forgetting a HUGE thing I need to do tomorrow for work and wedding stuff, and I had to cancel... I Suck), I admit I need a personal assistant to walk by me and write down all the events or things I have to be at so I will stop double booking, I admit sometimes I want to sit and my desk and I want to ignore the world while I read about the Mavs NBA Championship (did you really think I wouldn't sneak that in there somewhere). But I will also admit that at the first sign of struggle or hardship in a friend's life, I will jump to help them or check on them anyway I know how.......

Wow, I just erased a five paragraph rant I went on about this whole idea of friendship and what it means to be a 'friend' and care about people genuinely... I realized I sounded like an ass and kinda bitchy... it's probably because its close to 2 am and I am running on 4 hours of good sleep. I erased it. It felt good to really get it out there even if nobody will ever get the shot to read it.

It's alittle tense in here. Anyone heard that joke about LeBron James and the time I asked for change for a dollar... he said he only had three quarters in him. Ha Get it... Yeah Funny. Look a Duck....


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Summer needs to hurry.

I am usually pretty good about keeping motivated at work, but summer seriously can not get here soon enough. I am over rude students, endless paperwork, and all the babbling about the future of education. I just need a few months off to marry Caty, go on a vacation or two, sleep, work on my health, shooting, editing, making money, and SLEEEEEEPING!

I need some time off to just focus on this whole idea I have been working on for a few months now. I want to start working with wedding videos, corporate videos, or any videos people might need. I have the cameras, new computer, new software, and all that good stuff... but now I need the clients. The marketing side of things is where I am clueless. Sad thing is, I was a marketing minor and don't remember a thing about it! It does help though that my fiance has constantly been telling me that she knows the money and clients will start rolling in because I am too damn talented for them not too. I guess her encouragement is one of the few things that has kept me from folding before it starts. I have designed, redesigned, and re-redesigned my business card, I have worked countless hours on an unpublished website, and I have damn near begged some people to let me shoot their wedding for CHEAP just to get the experience and demo out there. It will happen... if it doesn't, I will at least have the awesome equipment to keep serving the church I am at and document my new family in video. There won't be anyone with better home videos than the Dearings! HA

If anyone out there knows anyone that needs a commercial, wedding, anything shot and edited... please send them my email address!

Friday, April 29, 2011

And I'm pissed again.

Shocker I know. I started the Insanity program and did good for about 2 days. The eating program is tough and requires so much freaking prep work. The workouts are shorter than P90x, yet I still can't fit 40 minutes into my day to do them. And the success I saw early is DEFINITELY long gone!

I am done with the excuses, I am now to a point where I won't finish the 60 days before the wedding, but I am going to restart this damn thing on Monday. No Excuses even if I have to get up at 5 am to do the effin workouts I will. Not Happy with myself at all.


Pissed Off Fat Kid

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Insanity is..... insane

That makes me feel really stupid typing that in the title. I have had some friends tell me that this workout was the most serious thing they have done ever. My initial response... How hard could a damn video be? Very DAMN Hard. WOW.

I am two days into the program and I feel like I got hit by truck from last nights workout but I also feel more awake and energetic than I have in months. Its crazy.

I mentioned in a previous blog that I was running a 5k and then would be beginning this program. The 5k wore me out and left me hurting. Caty and I finished together in 36 minutes. It was almost emotional for both of us since we have both struggled with getting getting off the couch and back on track. Caty has been hitting the gym with a trainer for a few weeks, very proud of her. I know that about 2 miles into the race I was at my breaking point, especially after taking off as fast as I could like an idiot. Caty caught me and forced me to finish with her. It sucked. I almost puked.

I also mentioned that I would be posting my before stats and possibly my before pics on here to motivate me and piss me off more than I already was. I am definitely posting the before stats but not sure about the pic since I don't know who comes across this site.

Before Weight - 268 lbs. (265 as of this morning) ----- -3 lbs.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I am pissed.

Who am I pissed at? Myself. I have let myself yet again get into horrible shape. It's pretty sad when I am damn near gassed when I have to run out a double in baseball. Its sad that I have just turned into a lazy ass.

70-something days out of the wedding... I am starting to fix this crap. Insanity is coming and I am running a 5k on Saturday. A 5k that I haven't even remotely 'trained' for. I figure that embarrassment will be just enough to really push me over the edge to get rolling with this. Look for my beginning stats soon on here... as embarrassing as that will be, I am posting the stats because it will just piss me off more.

Here goes nothing.....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Financial Peace? Is that possible?

Caty and I have been raised by parents that were pretty good with money. We both made it out of college with no student loans, no huge debt in credit cards, or any 'major' debt otherwise. I have a mortgage, minor Best Buy Credit Debt and a car payment. Not bad for a guy that could have easily ran up thousands in debt on electronics or Credit Card.

So if you were looking at us as a couple, we seem to be pretty good with money right? Yeah, she may be good but me personally I am the guy that never saved a dollar. I used to make some serious money on a nightly basis while I was bartending and all I have to show from that is a damaged liver. Caty and I started Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey. I must admit the first few sessions left me feeling like a complete and utter failure when it comes to money. I have started the whole budgeting and 'watching money' stuff and I do slightly feel better about myself now.

It is officially 1 week out from payday and I am actually not stretching every dollar yet! I am ok with that. I just need to get into a mindset that I realize this is a every month thing. I rarely stick to things (diets, workout, reading, etc) so this may be my biggest struggle of the whole program.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Recently, Caty and I have decided with the wedding approaching we need to start eating healthier than we were and also start eating at home. We are in the middle of Financial Peace and were shocked at the RIDICULOUS amount of money we were spending a month to go to eat every night. Let's just say it was over a 1000 a month on restaurants. The cost of a good Italian dinner, or a few good sushi rolls are apparently expensive!

In this whole eating better thing, I have realized something I sort of
already knew but had never explored. I like cooking. I like making stuff up and hoping it doesn't taste like crap! In a previous entry we were in Granbury this past weekend and one of the stores on the square was a cooking store with everything from high end pots and pans to grilling utensils to sushi kits. I wanted to buy ALOT of things in that store! I also want a new grill for the back yard... one of those shiny chrome ones that has like 8 burners!

A few nights back, Caty wanted to watch "The Bachelor" at her plac
e so she could do laundry and clean her apartment up. So I said I would cook dinner at her place. I seriously wanted to try my hand at grilling tuna but since she doesn't have a grill and Target doesn't carry Tuna Steak... I was all out of ideas. I walked around the store for like 30 minutes trying to come up with an idea. And I saw a Jalapeno. And A Lime. So I decided to make something with Jalapeno and Lime.

I ended up making tacos. They turned out good, I could have definitely thrown in another jalapeno and lit both of us on fire, but I didn't. I also make black beans. It was a good dinner if I say so myself.

I want to continue learning new things in the kitchen. So if you have any good ideas, HIT. ME. UP. I need recipes, techniques and all that stuff...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So real writing?

Can't figure out what day 20 of that challenge was, so I am renaming it the 19 day challenge and saying I am done! So I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me.

I am now going to try to focus on writing entries that are a little bigger glimpse into who I am and what I am all about. The current four followers already know about me and I am sure they aren't really all that interested in reading these things, but whatever. I want more followers! Ha.

So, this last weekend Caty and I joined my parents down in Granbury for a much needed one day escape from Mansfield and everything that it brings with it. We enjoyed fishing, food, deep sleeps, silence and even a bit of wandering around the square. We came across a 'off brand' half price books (not sure the name of the actual store but it was very half pricey). We went into the store of course and started looking around for anything that may peak interest. The Lakehouse my parents own isn't your usual party house, its very much the opposite and it is perfect to really get a good book and forget what you are doing. Anyways, I was looking through my usual section... Sports... and not seeing anything worth opening so I gave up and went up to talk to my dad while he looked through Best Sellers.

Before I go any further I need to tell everyone about a person I highly respect who I never had the opportunity to meet. This is one of the most if not THE MOST successful college basketball coaches of all time. Coach John Wooden is known for winning championship after championship but he is also known for the person he was off the court. His entire belief system, religious background, daily teachings, and his true passionate love for life and his wife have all been written in books and filmed for ESPN and other TV outlets. When he passed in the summer of 2010, I set out to own every book written by him or about him. He is an amazing man. I thought I had nearly accomplished that feat up until my trip to Granbury.

Back to the Half Price Bookish store, my dad was looking through the best sellers doing his usual thing of explaining to me why I need to read "Murder and Rape and Shoot em up" fiction books when I saw a very familar face on the cover of a thin red book. It was Coach. I immediately grabbed the book and looked for a price tag. Couldn't find it, but I said SCREW IT... I have tons of BLOW money left this month (explanation of BLOW money coming later, some Dave Ramsey fans know what I am talking about) I am buying it even if it is $50. So I bought it, not knowing for sure what the heck it was about, or if it was even something I would read. I wanted it on my Wooden shelf in my classroom. Once we got back to the car, I realized it was actually an awesome book that I will be reading everyday for the next 60 days. It has 60 entries about 60 one on on conversations that this writer had with Coach ranging from how a 93 year old never stops learning to the backbone of John Wooden's spiritual beliefs. Every entry features real talk from the Coach as well as the writer of the book who relates all conversation to scripture.

Now for those that do know me, you all know I have been looking for a way to 'motivated' to get back into my bible on a daily basis. What better way to get back into the Word than to read the real words of a man, who had been in the public eye for longer than I have been alive, whom I respect more than most men on the planet today. So I started yesterday, and yesterday was all about how are you spending your time each day? 86,400 seconds in a day and any wasted time is time lost. The part that stuck out to me was when Coach said "Have you ever said, I will just work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for my work today. If you can work TWICE as hard tomorrow, then you should work twice as hard every day."

That simple message right there hit me on so many different surfaces both in my everyday work and home life as well as my spiritual life. I know there are days at work and around the house that I say... I will do it tomorrow. And then don't do it for 4 weeks or 4 months (points to the friggin fan in my office still not installed). I know I have said it time to get my big butt in the gym on a regular schedule and do something about the health problems that run in my family and that are currently ailing me (nothing serious, minor dings from baseball and being out of shape). I know there are days I say, yeah I will prepare for that youth group thing at my house tomorrow and then realize that the Youth group thing is tonight!

And I know that I need to work on these things. I also know that it won't all fix itself tomorrow. So that's where you... my four followers come into play in this. I want you to remind me nicely to re-read this post ever so often. I also want you to remind me if I haven't written in awhile because this has been actually somewhat enjoyable of an entry. So, there.... Justin's longest blog of all time is complete. John Wooden, I thank you again, even though I never met you, I thank you for leaving a legacy that I can follow through books.

How will you spend your 86400 seconds today?

Definitely a Fire Day,


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 15 through the end

Sorry for being such a crappy blogger but I have been out of town all weekend with a competition for my students... which we dominated and then this week has been a blur with state standarized testing and crap like that. Anyways I am gonna catch up till the end, not sure what I will start writing afterward but I am sure I can find something

Day 16 - Celebrity you would have over for dinner

I was going to say Michael C. Hall here but with the developments of the last few days, how could you not want to have a sit down dinner with this upstanding gentleman right here

Charlie Sheen is on a drug called "Charlie Sheen". He is what people in the radio/tv business call GOLD right now. If he opens his mouth and actual words come out... its gonna be worth hearing again. Yes, the man needs an intervention, prayer, Jesus, the whole nine yards, but you can't deny his quotability!
"I am tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total freakin' rock star from Mars"

I really wanna change my Media Hero Webpage to Bitchin' Rock Star From Mars.... thoughts?

DAY 17 - Celebrity you would want to play you in a movie about you

This one is rather easy for me. I consider myself a funny guy so it has to be a comedy. Others may not think I am funny, but eff em! So I pick the obvious here, as long as he promises not to play me like he played the gay version of character in Hangover he played in Due Date. Zach Galifianakis may be the funniest man in the business right now, and I think he could portray the ultimate Justin Dearing.

Day 18 - Celebrity whose wardrobe you would like to own

Hmmmm... I was worried about this one when it came up because I honestly have no clue who I should/would choose here. I guess I will choose three (and break the "don't use anyone twice rule). I would wear anything pictured here... except maybe the vest... big dudes look weird in vests, makes them look bigger... But from this picture, Jesse Eisenberg looks the most like my style. I need to find a sweet Blazer to wear more often. I also want a grey suit!

Day 19 - Whose House do you want to tour?

I would like to tour Christian Bale's home. I think his place would be cool to see simply because that guy is a cool guy. He seems like a prick to some, but me... I think he is just good at job and expects the best. Had he not won the Best Supporting Actor award this year, I would have been done with the Oscars.

On that note I have one more day to post and since I can't find the actually pic that tells me what to do, I will save that for everyone tomorrow! Have a good day...

Knife Day for sure!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 15

Celebrity that cares about the money more than the fans.

This is obviously going to be a sports celeb for me, but honestly who do I choose...

I will go with the one that I find to be the most ridiculous currently... Who turns down 10 years, 28 million a year.... oh thats right this idiot here... I would play baseball professionally for the salary I am making right now. Just saying...

Albert Pujols. You. Are. A. Douche.

20 Day Challenge - Day 13 and 14

Sorry... I suck again.

A Picture of A Celebrity I would do anything to meet...

This required absolutely NO thinking at all. I want to meet Dirk and I want to play basketball against him and I want to lose miserably. After that I would tell everyone I lost to Dirk Nowitzki in basketball, suck it. He has been my favorite basketball player since he entered the league. Not a big fan of the LeBron's and Kobe's of the world, but Dirk and even Blake Griffin are my types of players... probably because I am bigger dude and can't even possibly fathom doing the stuff that LeDouche does.

A Photo of Someone's concert you would like to go to...

Johnny Cash would be the ultimate concert to go to in my opinion, he is no longer with us. Johnny Cash laid the root work for almost every band I like today. Mumford, Zac Brown, and all the others around today have all used the name of Big John Cash as an influence. My dad loves him some Johnny Cash so I would take him to the concert. I just think this concert would be TOP NOTCH.

Monday, February 21, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 11 and 12

Yesterday was a day that involved NO posting on the blog. I had alot going on yesterday so I decided to double dip today.

Day 11 - A Band or Group you like that isn't known worldwide YET.

M.O.D -

Two out of the three guys on in this group are former students of mine. In the classes that I teach I get alot of "I wanna be a rapper/rock artist/newest biggest badass band ever" but these guys are LEGIT. I am proud to say that they were in my class and when they go big... I will be at the record premiere... Or at least I better be! You can check MOD out at

M.O.D on Myspace

Day 12 - A Picture of a celebrity from my favorite TV show -

Bryan Cranston or Walter White or Heisenburg from Breaking Bad. As much as I love Dexter and SOA, I think Breaking Bad is the best shows on television. A different type of "root for the bad guy" show, Walter is a cancer stricken chemistry teacher who decides to sell meth to make money for his family before he dies. He may be the worst drug dealer in the world and he chooses the second worst drug dealer in the world. The situations they get into, the drugs, the Mexicans, everything about this show is very intense. I like it. SOA has potential to jump it with an epic season 4!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 10

Favorite Country Singer/Band....

This is Easy. Every song they have ever released OTHER than Chicken Fried have made it into my car ride playlist... Thats sacred ground when it come to music. I like the beard. If you can't tell I want a long nappy beard someday. Currently working on it! Zac Brown Band is one of the best out there right now. I like em alot.

Friday, February 18, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day ???

I forgot what day I am on... is that sad?

Celebrity who you would be friends with...

Daniel Tosh

He has burst on the the scene in the last three years due to his amazingly funny rip off of Talk Soup. I find myself celebrating Tosh Tuesdays weekly now. I think Daniel and I could be great friends who sit around and talk about life and make fun of people as they walk by us at the mall. I picture us sitting in a coffee shop watching people get hit in the junk on Youtube and laughing endlessly over a latte. I will say this... Tosh.O does make the week alittle better since I usually need an uplifting hardy laugh at someone else's expense after two days of work... and for that we thank you.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 8

What Disney Star is your favorite?

I am older than this whole Disney generation of the Miley Cyrus', Demi Lovato, or any of those other teeny boppers I really can't stand. I guess by default I have to go with Justin Timberlake, but only if it is the older, more humorous, Jessica Biel dating, Social Network style Justin Timberlake.... not the bleached hair, Britney Spears, might like guys Justin Timberlake....

His music was mildly catchy, his boy band was mildly man loving, and you can't dog the guy for his history with women... but this new Lonely Island guest starring, major motion picture, no longer singing style Justin Timberlake is WAY cooler than the older version. I guess he is my fave Disney star... Other than Daisy Duck, she was hot.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 7

Celebrity I would like to change lives with?

Josh Hamilton (Post Drug Addiction)

Since I got the clear from a blogger friend saying that Athletes are celebrities... it made today ALOT easier. I would change places with this guy any day! I am sure he could handle teaching my sports broadcasting class. Baseball has been my favorite sport since I can remember and Josh's background story, testimony and baseball ability makes him my choice on this day. The Tats (even if they were drug influenced) are wicked. He just seems like a nice guy. And it doesn't hurt he just signed a 2 year 24 million dollar extention. I would be ok with that as well!

Pitchers and Catchers Reported to Spring Training today, so all is well in my world right now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 6

Which Celebrity would you have a make out scene in a movie with?

No further explanation needed.

OK for real though who would I choose? My fiance, my guy friends, and probably even my parents expect me to say Scarlett Johansson. I may even expect myself to say that answer, but I am going to go a different route.

Kaley Cuoco

First and foremost she is a very attractive young lady, second off she seems like she is HILARIOUS, and third.... let's be honest... she's hot.

Thats all. Bye.

Frustration about Education

Many will read this title and think I am going to be discussing the current state of education or the proposed cuts in funding, but in all honesty I want to talk about my frustration with MY education. As you all know I am currently teaching Radio Broadcasting and Sports Broadcasting at the high school level and loving almost every minute of it. Let's be honest, every job has it's negative areas, none of them are perfect. As this whole wedding approaches, as well as the total different angle of having kids and starting a family bigger than just me and Caty, I get really frustrated with myself for being the slacker that I was all through college.

I was blessed with parents that took the steps early to make sure my college was paid for when I started. I attended UNT and studied in Radio Television and Film, graduated in 5 years, and drank more than any human ever should. Recently, I started taking a financial peace course and it was a blatant slap in the face how much money I could have saved in college when I was bartending, if I just hadn't blown it all on Jager and Miller Lite. Things have DRASTICALLY changed in my life the last few years and that part of me is almost nonexistent now, but it still is seeming to come back and bite me in the ass. I look back on the opportunity I had to really get into the classes and set myself up for something big in the future and I wasted most of it on partying, sports and skipping class. There have been numerous times I have thought to myself, "Man... how the hell did you graduate?"

Which brings me to where I am today, sitting in my office at the house or at school (depends on when I finish typing this post) looking at different Graduate Programs, missing the classes that I took seriously in college and wanting to have someone assign me an assignment that I may enjoy doing. I enjoy my job, the kids I work with on a daily basis are amazing, but I can't sit here and tell you that I don't miss the days when my least favorite professor in college would tell me I couldn't pass an essay over "Natural Born Killers" because I wasn't dedicated to school. That guy, even though I seriously despise him to this day, challenged me to a point that I dissected a movie shot by shot and wrote about 30 pages on the different types of shooting and lighting techniques present in that film and how they effected the way the film was interpretted.

And also TCU has what appears to be a sweet Sports Broadcasting Bachelors that I wish was around when I graduated.

So, thinking of going back to school... been thinking for three years now... Don't know how I will pay for it, don't want to run up student loans, so who knows...

Back to the Grind, Definitely a Knife Day.


Monday, February 14, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 5

Whose hair would I want?

I am going to swing this question a little bit. Hair... I honestly like mine, short or long, I like it. So I will answer whose facial hair do I wish I had. This is an easy one due to my current addiction of Sons of Anarchy and my vow not to shave my beard until the wedding.

Ryan Hurst - Opie from Sons of Anarchy - Gerry Berteir (Remember the Titans)

This beard is the epitomy of what I want to have someday. The nasty, dirty, shaggy beard. I have tried and I have to shave every time because it is so itchy and nasty, but I am determined this time to make it happen... and then shave it off for the wedding! Once I get the beard then I can move on to the motorcycle and then the motorcycle gang! I am on my way!

Definitely a Fire Day.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 3 and 4

Sorry for the fail on posting my challenges this weekend, I was busying taking my fiance out for Valentine's Day and spending time with her. Call me a softy if you will but it was time well spent. Let's Do This.

Day 3 - Celebrity you would Turn Gay For...

This one has had me worried since I read this was a "day", because I had a huge debate on man crushes on my podcast a week or so ago and I am not sure who I would pick. If it were sports, it would be a no brainer, but as far as celebrities and Gayness... its a tough one. I don't think I have an exact Celeb I could choose. I definitely could pick a character tho...

This is a very recent addition I believe. I think his character is a true badass, who makes stupid decisions (banging the porn star). The fight scene in Ireland. The "Sell CRANK to my pregnant ex-wife" attack in EP1. The list could go on and on. Jax Teller is a BAD-A. The Big Dawg will not be surprised by this choice one bit... neither will my fiance...

Ask me this one again in a few months... it could/will change.

DAY 4 - Favorite Rapper

This is a no brainer. Even though he had released a few completely CRAP album before his previous... Nothing gets me more fired up to work out, play baseball, kick someone's ass, or just chill than the newest release by Eminem. His old stuff, while mildly immature, still was some of the better Rap I have heard. Tupac is in this argument, but if you have to ask me a FAVORITE right now at 11:58 on February 13th, Its Eminem. Hands Down!

Be on the Lookout for tomorrow's entry early tomorrow! Which Celebrity's hair would I want... if anyone can guess my pic before I post it I will buy you a coke!



Friday, February 11, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 2

A Celebrity You Would Marry If You Had A Shot.


If I weren't already in line to marry my fiance, I think I would have a shot with Emma Stone! Kidding. I chose her for the sole fact of how funny she is and she isn't too hard on the eyes. I fully admit to being a fan of Easy A, even though going into the movie I saw it as a sacrifice to please the fiance. Her roles in Superbad, Zombieland (still haven't seen it all the way through) and Easy A were hilarious.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

20 Day Challenge - Day 1

Post a picture of your favorite band

Since The Big Dawg introduced me to this band about three months ago, they are seriously the only thing I am playing on my ipod unless I am working out. The sound of the music, the unique lyrics, and just the feel of the music is quite a bit different than anything I have been interested in for a long time.

The Mumford and Sons pandora station has become my favorite station for conference period listening at work. Pandora is a gift from God I think. The opportunity to hear similar music to your tastes is awesome. I have learned about so many new bands I would have never heard before.

If you haven't heard anything other than "Little Lion Man" that is endlessly played on regular radio, I beg you to check out the rest of the CD. LLM is nowhere near the best song on the album. Until tomorrow's challenge, I will leave you with lyrics from my favorite song right now by M&S
"And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears.
And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears.
Get over your hill and see what you find there,
With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair."

Here we go again...

So I have a sports podcast and a semi-productive media blog with a buddy but I have nowhere to talk about whats going with me... or just write in general. The layout of this blog absolutely sucks right now but I am too tired to work on the layout anymore tonight. The title "Fire or Knife" comes from one of my favorite scenes of one of my favorite shows on TV, Sons of Anarchy. Basically an ex gang member who failed to remove his club tattoo gets the choice of Fire or Knife for removal. Since that episode that has been an ongoing conversation piece with the friends, fiance, and myself.

So here we go again with this blog thing. I am going to do one of those 20 day challenges to try to get a habit going on this writing thing. Also I am going to use this to post alittle about my fitness, financial and faith journey I am working through right now. I hope you guys enjoy this and I hope I can seriously get into writing again through this blog.

Today's choice... Knife.
