Wednesday, June 15, 2011

IT's been awhile...

My apologies. I have been getting ready for summer, wedding, a week on the beach a million miles away, and then of course trying to turn myself back into a gym rat and failing. Many of you know I spent last summer working on a project for the district without getting any sort of payment, I just did it for my students. Let me clarify, if asked I would probably still do something free like this again for my students... but not this summer.

This summer is about 2 things. Caty and my new business. Mainly Caty though. In 9 days I get married to my best friend. I could really rattle on about friendship and my current view on friendships for a few thousand words right now but I won't. I may give ya the cliff notes later in this post. But I am genuinely excited that I AM marrying my best friend. The person that without a word can look at me and know where I am at... know how I feel... and usually fix it or realize that its a me thing and let me fix it on my own. ANYWAYS... 9 days and a women invades my house, my life, and my money. I will tell you that does not scare me one bit. I am tired of hearing things like "you will begin to die a little each day after you get married" or "Well your life is over" or "Have fun at the funeral, I mean wedding"... I am sorry if your marriage blows ass, mine seems like it will be just fine. We actually like each other. I am looking forward to the ceremony and all our family and friends coming together to party in our honor, but I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to the next day when we post up on a plane for 9 hours and get the HELL outta town. I love everyone involved in this wedding, I am thankful for each of you, and I promise none of you are annoying me or frustrating me in any way, but I totally understand why an immediate honeymoon is so vital now. I am looking forward to seeing Caty just release all the stress and energy built up from work and the wedding when we get there. I predict she will sleep 15 hours the first day, and I won't even REMOTELY try to wake her up.

I am so happy that some of my old school friends from college are getting to make the trip up for the bachelor party and the wedding. I have had some major issues with the definition of friendship lately and I still haven't really cleared all that up. I admit sometimes I am a shitty friend (ex. I told a friend that we would be DOWN for the Mavs Parade, while totally forgetting a HUGE thing I need to do tomorrow for work and wedding stuff, and I had to cancel... I Suck), I admit I need a personal assistant to walk by me and write down all the events or things I have to be at so I will stop double booking, I admit sometimes I want to sit and my desk and I want to ignore the world while I read about the Mavs NBA Championship (did you really think I wouldn't sneak that in there somewhere). But I will also admit that at the first sign of struggle or hardship in a friend's life, I will jump to help them or check on them anyway I know how.......

Wow, I just erased a five paragraph rant I went on about this whole idea of friendship and what it means to be a 'friend' and care about people genuinely... I realized I sounded like an ass and kinda bitchy... it's probably because its close to 2 am and I am running on 4 hours of good sleep. I erased it. It felt good to really get it out there even if nobody will ever get the shot to read it.

It's alittle tense in here. Anyone heard that joke about LeBron James and the time I asked for change for a dollar... he said he only had three quarters in him. Ha Get it... Yeah Funny. Look a Duck....


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