Thursday, March 10, 2011


Recently, Caty and I have decided with the wedding approaching we need to start eating healthier than we were and also start eating at home. We are in the middle of Financial Peace and were shocked at the RIDICULOUS amount of money we were spending a month to go to eat every night. Let's just say it was over a 1000 a month on restaurants. The cost of a good Italian dinner, or a few good sushi rolls are apparently expensive!

In this whole eating better thing, I have realized something I sort of
already knew but had never explored. I like cooking. I like making stuff up and hoping it doesn't taste like crap! In a previous entry we were in Granbury this past weekend and one of the stores on the square was a cooking store with everything from high end pots and pans to grilling utensils to sushi kits. I wanted to buy ALOT of things in that store! I also want a new grill for the back yard... one of those shiny chrome ones that has like 8 burners!

A few nights back, Caty wanted to watch "The Bachelor" at her plac
e so she could do laundry and clean her apartment up. So I said I would cook dinner at her place. I seriously wanted to try my hand at grilling tuna but since she doesn't have a grill and Target doesn't carry Tuna Steak... I was all out of ideas. I walked around the store for like 30 minutes trying to come up with an idea. And I saw a Jalapeno. And A Lime. So I decided to make something with Jalapeno and Lime.

I ended up making tacos. They turned out good, I could have definitely thrown in another jalapeno and lit both of us on fire, but I didn't. I also make black beans. It was a good dinner if I say so myself.

I want to continue learning new things in the kitchen. So if you have any good ideas, HIT. ME. UP. I need recipes, techniques and all that stuff...

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