Let me preface this entire post with a little disclaimer for my current customers... I love my job, I love my company, and I love shooting weddings and all the other projects I have been doing... now that I have said that... Watch this video...
What am I doing? The last few months, it has been weighing heavily on my heart that I need to use my talents and skills for something POWERFUL. Something that will have a lasting effect. Something like the video above that had me mad, fired up, sad, excited, and a ton of other emotions all at once. I had heard and even joked about the name of the above charity numerous times without ever even thinking to look up what it is all about, and then when I talked to Caty about going on a trip and shooting she brought up this charity. Again, I didn't even think to research it, and silently laughed at the name in my head. Yesterday afternoon I saw a former student who I have kept in touch with more recently than ever tweeting about how powerful this video was. So I watched it. My jaw dropped and I immediately felt like a complete ass for even remotely laughing at the name of this group. Now, I am not saying I am going to run out and immediately throw everything I have into becoming some videographer for this specific charity, but I am feeling more and more daily that I NEED to do something.
I have been in talks with Paul Mints, my pastor at TCAL here in Mansfield, about possibly getting the possibility to go to Guatamala this summer for 8 days and capturing the truth behind the missions our church is doing. This kind of trip doesn't come cheap, and Caty and I are currently looking at ways to fund this for BOTH of us. I am not about to start asking for donations from the few that read this, but I will ask that you say a prayer for us as we make a decision on what we are going to do with this potential opportunity. Along with the cost of the trip, comes the cost of some equipment that would be vitally necessary for a video shoot of this magnitude. God has potentially opened the door for that with a company that I will be sitting in front of on Friday talking about a potentially large corporate overview video with. For some reason, I am not the slightest bit nervous about this. I feel like this is supposed to happen so that other doors open for Caty and I.
Many of you know this last month or two have been hell for both of us, but through it all we have seen so many blessings. Friends and family have shown us so much love, and some long time prayers have been answered, even if they were answered in some crazy ways. I am excited about what could possibly come from all of this.
In these times of who has more toys and money, I am at a point where I feel like it is my duty as a man and as a Christian to step up and help/love/bless others that need it. So, here goes...